vendredi 16 septembre 2016

DBA 2.2 Tournement at Nesle

I just found the pictures of this old tournament dating from 2012.
So, I post them here by amusement because quite a lot of us have changed a lot in 4 years. ^^

6 players, 1 referee (my apple), 6 pre-established fields (one missing in picture) A good day. The tournament took place in round one afternoon.

We were in 2012. The version of the rules we then played was 2.2

Result and classification:

1: Bourguignons de Jean sans Peur (Early burgundians IV.76) 98 pts
2: Achéens guerre de troie (Later Mycaenians I.26a) 93 pts
3: Romains moyen empire (Middle imperial romans II.64)72 pts
4: Indiens royaume de Chola (Tamil indians II.42b) 50 pts
5: Français guerre de 100 ans (Medieval french IV.64b) 32 pts
6: Assyriens nouvel empire (Neo assyrian empire I.45) 08 pts

All armies met and each army played only part of each field.


Counting points

The loser scored in the ranking points the number of enemy platelets he managed to eliminate.
The winner scored 24 points minus the number of lost girlfriends.
Bonus +1 for the army having killed the enemy general.
+2 bonus for the army controlling the enemy camp (or BUA) at the end of the battle.

In case of unfinished game at the end of the round: each player scores the number of points he would have scored in the event of defeat. This favors tactical aggression and prevents passive play. There was, in fact, only one draw in the afternoon (15 games in total).

1stt round:

Romans 1- Acheans 24
Indians 1- Burgundians 24
French 23- Assyrians 1

2nd round:

Romans 22 - Indians 2
Acheans 23 - French 2
Assyrians 2 - Burgundian 22

3th round:

Romans 23 - Burgundians 3
Acheans 23 - Assyrians 1
Frenchs 3 - Indians 23

4th round:

Romans 4 - French 4 (the lone draw of the tournement)
Acheans 1 - Burgundian 25
Indians 23 -Assyrians 1

5th round

Romans 22 - Assyrians 3
Acheans 22 - Indians 3
French 0 - Burgundian 24

The grounds (lacking the ground N ° 6):

Table 1: The banks of the Euphrates: A navigable zone, a city and two marshes. We are not far from Babylon.

Table 2: The desert. An oasis, two dunes and two rocky areas..

 Table 3: The Carpathians. Two steep hills and two forests

 Table 4: Medieval Europe. A road, a built-up area, two woods.

 Table 5: Indochina. Two forests / jungles, one city, two bushy areas

Table 6: The river: A river, a road, two woods. (No photo)

  Photos of the plays

Antoine / Agamemnon leading his Mycenaeans to battle.

Jacques/John the Fearless wishing to reproduce the exploits of the Battle of Othée

Adrien / Charles VI at the head of the French army and wondering why he is called the "mad king"

Kevin / Sargon inviting his dear Assyrians to a giant barbecue on the beach.

One of the first parts of Quentin / Rajaraja Chola saying that Cholas is nice but metal elephants are heavy.

James / Marcus Aurelius wondering how to prevent the fall of Rome